
Thursday 15 November 2012


kaspersky antivirus is most significantly used in day to day life for every pc to remove virus from pc. It protects your computer from a series of online nuscenses and threats including  Adware , spyware, Trojan horses, viruses and worms. It disconnect you from malware and phishing sites.The program claims fastest file scanning. They initially save time but leaves them open to a virus attack.Recently its features are upgraded to work easily.
1. It is having improved malware and malcious code from all sources.
2.Improved permanent digital identity protection.
3.Enhanced technology that enables anti malware installation on  infected pc
4. Better system performance through built in computer tune up
5.Desktop gadgets for quick and easy access to settings.
                Kaspersky is recommended for all the operating systems we recommend for all of our site users.

For free download of kaspersky antivirus download from these websites:

Internet explorer 10.0 for windows 7 free download

IE10 which runs on windows 7 and default browser for windows 8.IE10 functionality regards to CSS3 support,Hardware acceleration and HTML5 support. It store apps using java script contains support for the developing features.this Web browser contains four new features available like Navigation timing, the page visibility API, The request Animation Frame method,the set Immediate method. These four API's are used to improve the performance and Power management of websites.There are couple of differences between IE10 used in windows 7 and windows 8, the noticable is the appearance of IE10,which useswindows 8  scrolbars even on windows 7.Security management for IE10 is more because it doesnt allow malware s and avoid virus to enter into system.

For free download of internet explorer 10 go through this site:

Picasa new version free download

Picasa is the software that helps you to share and edit pictures on your pc. It is like a storing picture in a particular memory .Picasa also makes advanced editing simply by putting one click fixes and powerful effects at your finger tips. Picasa makes it share a picture to email, make gift cds and post pictures on your blog. Picasa always has a search bar that is always visible when viewing the library. Picasa doesnt overwrite when changes are made on the photos. Picasa allow you to directly share on google+ and have better editing and also we can tag to family and friends through google+. Picasa can be installed in a windows , linux and mac os.

For free download of picasa u can prefer this sites..